Tintri annual hackathon was held in 2017. I initiated and submitted the concept to the hackathon board for review and led a team with 3 designers and 2 developers to work on the mobile app in 1 evening (over night). The concept was to allow Storage Engineers conveniently access VMs storage systems while away from their computers. We came up with a scenario and user story to set achievable goal and created an interactive prototype for final presentation in all-hands next morning. It was nominated as the most innovated app of the year.
- My Role Lead UX designer
- Target User Virtualization & Storage Engineers
- Product Category Productivity on mobile
- Accomplishment - Created work flows+ wireframes, visual mocks & hi-fidelity interactive prototypes for testing on mobile devices
- Length of the Project July 20-21, 2017 (1 day)

Tom took off work early and taking his son to the beach. He doesn’t have his work laptop with him but wanted to get some work done. He logged in to TGC mobile app and see an alert message about a recommendation for a VMstore, which is in danger of running out of space.
He read the recommendation and validated the recommendation action to migrate 12 VMs. Tom made a decision to approve the recommendation and take care of this issue on his phone.